
├── all
│   ├── cards.collectible.json
│   └── cards.json
├── deDE
│   ├── cards.collectible.json
│   └── cards.json
├── enUS
│   ├── cards.collectible.json
│   └── cards.json
├── esES
│   ├── cards.collectible.json
│   └── cards.json
├── esMX
│   ├── cards.collectible.json
│   └── cards.json
├── frFR
│   ├── cards.collectible.json
│   └── cards.json
├── itIT
│   ├── cards.collectible.json
│   └── cards.json
├── jaJP
│   ├── cards.collectible.json
│   └── cards.json
├── koKR
│   ├── cards.collectible.json
│   └── cards.json
├── plPL
│   ├── cards.collectible.json
│   └── cards.json
├── ptBR
│   ├── cards.collectible.json
│   └── cards.json
├── ruRU
│   ├── cards.collectible.json
│   └── cards.json
├── thTH
│   ├── cards.collectible.json
│   └── cards.json
├── zhCN
│   ├── cards.collectible.json
│   └── cards.json
└── zhTW
    ├── cards.collectible.json
    └── cards.json

15 directories, 30 files

tree v1.7.0 © 1996 - 2014 by Steve Baker and Thomas Moore
HTML output hacked and copyleft © 1998 by Francesc Rocher
JSON output hacked and copyleft © 2014 by Florian Sesser
Charsets / OS/2 support © 2001 by Kyosuke Tokoro